Contra Costa Group

Zen Study Group

The Pleasant Hill Group has effectively ended. It had become rather small so it was decided to change to a study group here in Vallejo. Don and Anne will work with anyone from Pleasant Hill who wants to join the group and may need a ride.

The parameters are as follows, subject to tweaking: We will meet from 12 to 1 on the first and third Saturdays each month from January 19 through July 6. We may have to fiddle a bit with the schedule due to One-Day sittings etc. We will be in hiatus through the interim, Practice Period and holidays, then start up again the following January. The group will be closed once it begins and folks will be expected to make a commitment to be at most if not all of the meetings. The study group will re-open for the following year and so on. The first book we will read will be Realizing Genjokoan by Okumura. I will get out a formal request for participants and post a sign-up in early January.

For more information about ridesharing, please contact Anne McNeil at email hidden; JavaScript is required, or Don Sharp at email hidden; JavaScript is required.