Taught by Guiding Teacher Mary Mocine and Senior Student Kate Flores
May 4, 11, 18 and 25
6:00 – 7:15 p.m.
Click here to enter the zendo for class, or click on the Enter the zendo now link on the home page
What is Zen, after all? What is zazen? What does the word mean? How can I learn to meditate and be comfortable? What is the point? Why do we bow to and away from our seats? How do I enter the zendo and how move in it? What does the word zendo mean? What are all those figures on the altar? I can’t imagine sitting all day! How do people do that? How do they eat in the zendo? What is oryoki eating? What does it mean to have a teacher? What is a sangha? Am I welcome? What if I make a mistake? And on and on our worries and questions roll.
Come get answers and learn how to establish your practice. We will learn a bit of history and a lot about the forms and practices of Zen. This will be a gentle introduction, for beginners or those who want a refresher.
Questions and concerns invited.
2021 Intro to Zen PDF
Exceprts from Fukanzazengi PDF
Fukanzazengi PDF